Total money raised on the day from fishing entries, raffle and donations was £305.
That is all going to the South West Fishing for Life charity. Trevor was a fishing instructor with them, helping ladies who are going thru cancer treatment.
Sale of Trevor’s fishing tackle and donations previously total of £1,565 went to Exeter Hospicecare who looked after Trevor in his final week’s and supported Karen and Charlotte.
A Total of 3 bank fishermen and 22 boat fishermen took part in the competition.
The winners were
Martin Williams with 8 fish total and a biggest fish of 6 lbs 9oz’s for boat fishing and Andrew Hill with 2 fish and his biggest fish was 4 1/2 lb’s.
Both fishermen were presented with a memorial shield by Jeff Pearce from Wimbleball Fishery.
A total of 56 fish with a combined weight of of 119 lb’s 6 Oz.
Winners of the raffle prizes of boxes of flies from Trevor’s own selection were
Wayne Middleton
Andrew Hull
Neil Jones.
Three ladies and their instructors from the South West fishing for Life charity turned out to fish as well, they didn’t want to enter the competition but enjoyed their fishing catching a further 4 fish.
Karen closed the completion by drawing the raffle and congratulating everyone on their catches and again thanking them for turning out to remember Trevor. This will be an annual match to celebrate Trevor and of course allow us fishermen to talk about how big the one that got away was.